Help Protect Privacy in Arizona
Your right to stand up for what you believe in is in jeopardy.
The First Amendment protects your right to privately join and donate to organizations you care about – and that’s none of the government's business. Our founders and the courts have recognized that the right to engage privately with organizations that share and advance causes we care about are critical to protecting both the right to free speech and free association.
But privacy is under attack. There are some who don’t respect this privacy and they want to “cancel” you for supporting organizations they don’t like. This isn’t about politics; its about privacy. They can be governments that want to require donors to disclose their donations, or individuals who want to intimidate people with whom they disagree.
In California, Americans for Prosperity Foundation took the fight to protect privacy all the way up to the Supreme Court—and won. But in Arizona, there’s a new threat to privacy.
Sign the petition today to show your support for privacy!