2023 Colorado Citizen Survey

Take the Survey
Make your voice heard!

The Annual Colorado Citizen Survey tracks the top issues facing Coloradans today.

As a new resident to Colorado, and a registered voter, your participation is requested to ensure that the survey includes the broadest perspectives. 

This survey is registered specifically to you and your opinions will help shape and promote policies that will directly impact you. 

Your survey includes questions on key issues facing the State of Colorado through 2023. Your responses will be combined with those from other voters to guarantee that voter attitudes in your area are reported. 

Thank you for your participation in the official 2023 survey and for responding quickly to ensure your voice is heard.

1. Do you think the state is headed in the right direction or wrong direction?  (required)

2. What is the most important issue to you?  (required)

3. Economy - Which statement do you most agree with?  (required)

4. Do you believe your taxes should be higher, lower, or stay the same?  (required)

5. Government spending - Which of the following comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

6. Health care - Which of the following comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

7. Environment - Which of the following comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

8. School funding - Which of the following comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

9. Curriculum - Which of the following comes closest to your opinion?  (required)

10. Education - Do you believe that schools have lost sight of their mission of educating kids and are more focused on non-academic issues?  (required)